Sluggish refinement to increase again, Oil refining industry expected recovery in 2Q

The refining industry, which had been sluggish in the first quarter, is expected to revive in the second quarter. Despite of the global oil price hike and economic downturn amid the US withdrawal from the Iranian nucle..

Now Samsung following Coway¡¦ Fierce competition for garment device

Coway, a mid-sized home appliance firm, is expected to launch clothing cleaning control device next week. Besides, Samsung Electr..

Recruitment corruption investigation all the year over¡¦ Financial sector may not open new recruitment

The issue of recruitment corruption, which began with Woori Bank last year, is not showing signs of calming down. Shinhan Bank, which has stood out of business, is said to have found a problem, and the banking sector is t..

Fair Trade Commission on attack on Samsung management structure reform

Kim Sang-jo, head of the Fair Trade Commission, stated, "There are many methods to reform the Samsung Group`s governance structur..

"10 gigabyte internet for the first time¡±¡¦ Speed competition to heat up again

Speed competition is once again coming to fruition. Technology competition is worsening among telecommunication carriers to preem..

Despite Ministry of small-medium venture promoted¡¦ Innovative growth ¡®in slow motion¡¯ due to job creation and minimum wage

Moon Jae-In Government 1 year anniversary and mid-term policy achievement President Moon¡¯s government is stuck in the directi..

Hyundai Mobis to apply digital cluster to Kona EV for the first time

Hyundai Mobis to enter the `digital cluster` market Hyundai Mobis, on May 9, revealed that it produced a digital cluster equip..