Worldwide developers of open software (SW) such as Linus Torvalds and David Miller, founders of "Linux", a UNIX-based open operating system, are expected to visit Korea.
According to industry sources, the Information and Communications Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA), this organizes events for the 12th Open SW Developer Conference in Seoul from April to June.
NIPA has set up a dedicated team at the end of last year to promote two global stars to motivate domestic developers participating in the event to motivate open SW development and encourage fraud.
It is the will to boom up the domestic atmosphere related to the open SW through this competition.
Especially, Linus Torvalds, known as "the father of Linux," is a legend in the global public SW field.
He developed the Linux kernel in 1991 and made the source available to everyone for free. Numerous SW developers have fixed and supplemented Linux, making Fedora, Ubuntu, Red Hat, and other open SWs the backbone of the world.
The NIPA is said to have coordinated its operations with all of its overseas networks for Torvalds` visit.
David Miller played a major role in porting Linux to Sun Microsystems` spark system. He is also a public SW developer, a major contributor to Linux kernel development and approval.
Both are open-source SW developers, a living legend of the industry that wants to meet once and for all, away from nationality.
NIPA plans to invite two people to the meeting place during the open SW Developer Orientation in April ~ June when the Open SW Developer Conference will be held.
The ability to meet people who have met with textbooks and source code allows me to instill motivation and confidence in the development of open source software.
NIPA representative said, "It is expected that domestic open source software developers will have a great motivation to discuss with the living legends Linus Torvalds and David Miller." In particular, We will continue to expand technology and human exchange with promising open SW community.¡±
By Hur Woo Young yenny@
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