Samsung Electronics has launched a check on Apple`s 10th anniversary smartphone, the iPhone X, which is showing signs of a so called ¡®Big hit¡¯ in Korea. It is the first time in Korea that the event will be held for iPhone users before the official launch of iPhone X. Last week, iPhone 3 and the iPhone 3 pre-book sales through the three mobile phone companies to record a complete sign of a big hit in order to block the wind will be released.
Samsung Electronics, on November 21, revealed that it will operate a `Galaxy Experience Program` (Upgrade to Galaxy) that allows users to use the latest Galaxy smartphone for a month.
The event is characterized by the freedom to decide whether to use the Galaxy Note 8 or Galaxy S8 for a month and then continue using it. It is not a free event, but the consumer must prepay the selected terminal price and experience fee of 50,000 won per month. Customers who decide to continue to use the hands-on devices may receive a refund of the participation fee.
Samsung Electronics will receive application for iPhone users from the event page until the 27th. 10,000 of the applicants can participate in the event, and the participant is determined by lottery on November 30.
The selected consumer can start experiencing Galaxy Note 8 or Galaxy S8 at the same price as the contract phone at the Samsung Digital Plaza in Korea from January 1 to 11 next month. Opening is also possible at three mobile communication stores. The return period is from January 5 to 15 next year.
The Galaxy Experience Program is the first event in Korea. Samsung Electronics is preparing to check out Apple `s AITEN X, which is scheduled to open this week.
On November 17, SK Telecom, KT, LG U Plus and other mobile carriers made preliminary reservations for the iPhone X. SK Telecom sold all of its online reservations for the first time in three minutes after it began online reservation sales at 9:00 am on the same day, and the second reservation sales that started from 9:30 pm also closed in 1 minute 50 seconds. The third round of reservations that followed the next day also ended in 17 minutes. KT sold 20,000 units in the first five minutes. Samsung Electronics is in the process of evolving ahead of the peak price of the past.
Samsung Electronics representative said, "Through this Galaxy experience program, we want to give iPhone users the opportunity to experience Galaxy and choose products. It is a strategy to capture the loyal consumers of Apple and iPhone, but still trying to reach out to the iPhone users who are struggling between the iPhone and the Galaxy," said an industry expert.
By Kim Ji Young kjy@
[ copyright ¨Ï The Digitaltimes ]