KT to have suggested 5 times faster 100Gbps 5G core technology
Kim Ji Young | kjy@ | 2017-11-21 10:34:08

KT announced that it has developed '100G-PON' transmission solution that can transmit data at the speed of up to 100Gbps in existing optical Internet line. KT employees are testing '100G-PON' technology at KT Research Center in Wooemyeong-dong. Photo by KT

KT has acquired technology to build a 5G network using existing wired networks.

KT has announced that it has developed a `100G-PON` transmission solution capable of transmitting data at a speed of up to 100Gbps on existing optical Internet lines.

The `100G-PON` transmission technology developed by KT uses 10 wavelengths capable of transmitting 10GB per second in a single line, achieving a maximum speed of 100Gbps. 10Gbps transmission for 100Gbps speed It is possible to utilize existing fiber optic cable without building 10 lines and save installation time and cost.

By applying this technology, `10 Gigabit Internet`, which is 10 times faster than Giga Internet, is now able to provide stable service in existing infrastructure. In particular, it supports `Wireless 5G Front Hole` which can build a 5G network using existing wired network. It is regarded as a technology that can realize the 5G era more quickly.

KT plans to accelerate the commercialization of `10G Internet service` in the future. `10Giga Internet` service enables customers to reliably provide high-quality services that require high-capacity bandwidth such as ultra-realistic UHD video service, virtual reality (VR), AR service and next generation Wi-Fi have with the completion of the development of `100G-PON` technology.

Meanwhile, KT was tested for the first time in Korea in September 2016 by applying `10 Gigabit Internet`. Since then, we have been continuing to verify the technology stability and reliability through the construction of 10G Internet infrastructure and the expansion of in-house pilot services in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Pyeongchang areas.

"We will continue to research and develop related technology to provide next generation communication service," said Jeon Hong-beom, director of infrastructure research at KT Convergence Technology Institute. "KT`s 100 Gigabit Transmission Solution enables us to provide 10Gbps Internet more reliably and efficiently.¡±

By Kim Ji Young kjy@

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